Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Making products for the Olympics ?

As a crafter I am always aware certain words, designs, logo's and trademarks are protected, yestreday I came across a post that I thought might interest you and provoke lots of discussion.
Have a read of this document it gives you a comprehensive list that are legally protected  marks owned or licensed to the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Ltd ( LOGOG)

I agree with the most part of this document but the one I am gob smacked at is the protected use of 'Listed Expressions' ! This is going to be a hard one to police ?

The Listed Expressions are :

-any of the 2 words : Games, Two Thousand and Twelve, 2012, Twenty-Twelve


- any word in the list above with one or more of the words:

London, Medals, Sponsers, Summer, Gold, Silver, Bronze.

I expect those big companys wanting to cash in on this massive marketing oppotunity will be racking their brains trying to get around this.

What are your thoughts ? 

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